Creativity + Saltwater

The goal of Salt & Sea is to provide kids with an environment that combines life in the ocean with creativity and connection using the arts to cultivate happy, healthy, alive young people. When done well, very few things compliment one another better while providing very real, long lasting benefits.'s just fun!

***LIMITED: Only open to 15 students per class ages 8-15 years old***

Each session: 5 days, (Monday thru Friday), from 9AM to 4PM

  • 3 hours at the beach: surf, ocean fun, water safety - ALL LEVELS WELCOME

  • 3 hours at Resin Gallery in Hermosa Beach: creating, painting, and making things they can be proud of while also integrating emotional intelligence and problem-solving tools to help kids meet life on life’s terms.

  • 1 hour lunch, followed by social emotional learning and meditation

Available Sessions

  • Sea Week - February 21-25 (SOLD OUT)

  • Summer Session 1 - July 18-22 (SOLD OUT)

  • Summer Session 2 - August 1-5 (SOLD OUT)

  • Summer Session 3 - August 22-26 (SOLD OUT)

  • Early Bird Pricing - $900 per child ($25 an hour).

Interest Card

Please fill out the interest form to stay up to date on all new happenings with Salt & Sea!

Our Team


Jared Sayers

A product of the ocean. This Camp is his idea, so if you know Jared, you know the positive glow that emanates through every detail of our camp. He is driven by all things water, a Los Angeles County Lifeguard and committed to sharing the joys and benefits the ocean provides with those who are curious to know more.


Rafael McMaster

Artist, mindfulness teacher, inspired lightning-bolt, and polymath. Rafael’s life is dedicated to changing young lives through creativity and consciousness. His non-profit:


The Collective @Resin

When our camps aren’t in the water, you can find us at our gallery / studio / creative lab: Resin in Hermosa Beach. Equipped with everything from spray paint to cameras, this creative sanctuary will not disappoint!